wake up and be her

Wake Up and Be Her

Are you waking up every morning and living the life of the woman you want to be? Or are you simply thinking about living that life…someday? I ask these questions not because I have figured it all out. I ask them because this is precisely what I was doing. I did this until I couldn’t stand doing it anymore (thankfully that’s when I found “The Miracle Morning.”)

I would see other women living the kind life that I wanted to live and one day I decided that I could not stand living on the sidelines anymore wishing for the quality of life that I wanted. I could picture myself living a better, more productive existence, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t seem to make it happen, until one day I took the first step.

I’m not here to tell you that I have completely figured it all out but I do want to share with you my experience on this journey that I have embarked on, and am still currently on; what is working for me, and how you can apply it to your life.

What Changed?

I had tried so many times to be the woman and mom I envisioned in my mind. I applied different strategies, cleaned through nap times, stayed up all hours of the night to make my house spotless, planned elaborate parties for my kids, and I still didn’t feel like I was really living life the way that I wanted and needed to be. I was drained, exhausted, and depleted, and that is no one’s dream life!

One day out of sheer luck (and some audible credits about to expire in my account) I downloaded “The Miracle Morning” and hit play. To say that listening to this book was life changing is the biggest understatement of the century.

This book, and a “Miracle Morning” routine have completely transformed my entire existence. I finally feel like I am living a more productive life. A life not from which I am constantly pouring from an empty cup, but from which my cup is so full that the abundance of energy and vitality that I have overflows to those around me, most importantly my kids. This is the life that I have been dreaming of. This is the kind of mom that I always wanted to be.

The Old Morning Routine

Is it easy waking up an extra hour or two earlier every morning? Hell NO! When I tell you I was a night owl, I am not exaggerating. My routine used to consist of putting the kids to bed and staying up until 2, sometimes 3 in the morning to try and play catch up, work out, and have some “me” time (everyone needs “me time” by the way). And then sleeping as late as my kids would possibly let me, sometimes passing Will my phone so that I could grab a couple extra minutes.

Once I finally had to wake up, I would stumble out of bed, foggy, and fumble through my morning. Making sure to give everyone what they needed while barely remembering to feed myself. Then I would stumble through the rest of our day until I could get the kids to bed. Finally, I would give myself the scraps of my energy I had left to try and do some of the things I needed and wanted to do.

WHY did I think I only deserved the scraps of my day?? Who was this serving? Not me, and certainly not those who depended upon me. How could I be the home base of my family if I was giving myself, the person that was supposed to keep everyone on track, scraps of energy?

I knew deep inside that in order to give myself and my children their best lives, I had to be the best me that I could be, but how?  Once I read (ahem, listened to) “The Miracle Morning”, I knew that personal development and a morning routine were the vehicles that would get me there, so I took the first step.

The Decision to Take the First Step

A concept that I learned from Anthony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within, is that to make a change in your life you must first decide to make that change and then take massive and immediate action. What a world of difference it makes when you can do this.

“There’s nothing you can’t accomplish if: 1) You clearly decide what it is that you’re absolutely committed to achieving, 2) You are willing to take massive action, 3) You notice what’s working or not, and 4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want using whatever life gives you along the way.” – Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

To learn more about the power of making decisions, Anthony Robbins talks about this in depth throughout Chapter 2, Decisions: The Pathway to Power, in his book “Awaken the Giant Within”.

This is a concept I applied in this instance I when decided to start my “Miracle Morning” routine.

What my morning looks like now…

5:00 am, wake up and head to the basement.

Down there, I have all of my materials ready to go for my morning routine. On the way down, I stop in the kitchen to make coffee. Then I head downstairs to grab a bottle of water before hopping on the treadmill. I usually turn on a podcast or audio book to listen to while exercising. I also love to turn on the Music Choice, Soundscapes station to watch the positive quotes flash across the screen.

5:00- 6:00 – the S.A.V.E.R.S. from The Miracle Morning

Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Scribing, and Reading. The S.A.V.E.R.S. from “The Miracle Morning” book. I move through these quickly, not always in that order. This is my favorite part of the day!

7:00-8:00 – Kids wake up!

One or both of the kids wake up. Usually Alice is first. If she wakes up first, I get her a drink, a snack she can eat out of a cup, and change her diaper. Then we hang out and play while I finish up my routine. If Will wakes up first he will play or have a snack while I finish what I’m doing.

Once I am finished I have so much energy. It’s incredible! I love feeling of being ready to take care of my family refreshed and fulfilled.

What is Working?


In all seriousness my morning routine is transforming my life. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to have meditated, exercised, read daily affirmations, read a section from a book (I never thought I’d have time to read as a mom), visualized a productive day, and written in a journal to sort out my mind – all before my kids are awake needing my attention. I usually even have some time to cross a couple of things off of my to do list and do a load of laundry.

This is working for me. All of it. I have gotten more accomplished in the last two months of doing this than I would have gotten done in a whole year before. Instead of going about my day depleted, drained, and sometimes even sick, I feel healthy, vibrant, and energized. The vibrant energy that I have radiates to my children and we all benefit from this!

Again, I do not have this all figured out, but I can tell you that this is making my life better. I am changing and evolving everyday and I’m sharing this in the hopes that others can do the same. Everyday I feel like I am leading the life of the woman I have always wanted to become.


Waking Up

The challenges I have encountered are minimal. Of course there was the initial shock of being tired, but once I set into this routine it became easier. I loved doing it, so I wanted to wake up in the morning. By the way, I used to hate waking up early, it’s not something that I liked doing. Like I mentioned before, I was NOT a morning person. Although, I suppose I am now.

The Kids Waking Up

I would say this is a bigger challenge then having to wake up myself. Once they are awake it becomes harder for me to move through the routine.

How You Can, “Wake Up and Be Her”

If you’re anything like me, you want to live your absolute best life. If you want to enter into a journey of personal development with me and start living the life that you envision for yourself I highly suggest beginning on this journey of personal development with “The Miracle Morning”. Apply this to your own life by:

  1. Deciding to take massive and immediate action (thanks Anthony Robbins)
  2. Read or listen to the book, The Miracle Morning
  3. Develop your own “Miracle Morning” routine using strategies from the book
  4. Watch the positive changes happen before your eyes

Are You Ready?

If you’re going to begin this journey reach out to me or leave me a comment! I’d love to hear about your experience and support you along the way!

The Miracle Morning

Click here to get a copy!