We all leave cookies for Santa but what about the reindeer? We can’t forget about them! They get hungry too, of course! If you’re looking for a simple recipe for some homemade reindeer food read on below for directions to this simple Christmas craft.

You Will Need:

  • Oats
  • Sugar
  • Sprinkles
  • Ziploc Bags

This is such a fun activity and can be put together quickly with things you may already have in your house. Grab some oats and whatever sprinkles you may have around the house and let your kids mix them together. All of the ingredients we used were edible just incase the kids or animals actually did eat this.

We had such a fun time putting this together. My son Will and his bestie, Weston, whipped up their reindeer food just in time for Christmas Eve and Weston’s Mom, Sam, and I had just as much fun watching them and assisting!

Mixing reindeer food is VERY serious business!


Start by scooping your oats into a mixing bowl. We scooped out about 2/3 cups each.


Add in your sprinkles! It’s that simple! We gave the boys four different types to choose from and add to their reindeer food.



We started out with spoons.

They took this very seriously!

It’s magic!


Scoop your mixture into the bags and your Reindeer Food is ready for Christmas Eve!

Each mixture made two bags.