4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe
4 Ingredient Easy Popsicle Recipe

Why We Needed a Healthy Popsicle Recipe

When my son, Will, was about 18 months old we noticed that he was snoring really loudly in his sleep. He never really was a great sleeper, but he was my first child and as far as babies went I thought he was pretty normal.

By chance, at one of his well visit check ups, Will was asleep in my arms. His doctor could hear his loud snores resonating out of his little body. At this point he became concerned that Will may have sleep apnea. Not long after, we took him to CHOP at Virtua to have a sleep study. Finally, it was confirmed. Severe sleep apnea. The next step was surgery to remove both his tonsils and adenoids.

As a mom I wondered, among many other things, what he could eat after the surgery. I knew from personal experience that a tonsillectomy hurts! Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to eat much, if anything, I started brainstorming ideas for ways to get him the nutrition his little body needed.

Of course he could have cold things, popsicles and ice cream, and as a mom I would say I’m pretty lenient about junk food. At the time however, Will was still so little and I didn’t want ice cream or unhealthy store-bought pops to be his only source of nutrition for the duration of his recovery.

It was at this time that I decided to make my own popsicles with ingredients I could feel good about! I made these delicious popsicles and never looked back. These have been a family favorite ever since and they are so easy.

We had to convince Will that he was dressing up as Buzz Lightyear for his sleep study with a special suit that had buttons and wires.


  • 2, 12 oz bags of Frozen Fruit (our favorite is pineapple)
  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 Tbsp Ground Flaxseed (I love to put flax seed in lots of different things, you can read about some of the health benefits of flaxseed here)

4 healthy, wholesome, and natural ingredients.


This is seriously as easy as 1-2-3.

1 – Add your frozen fruit (pineapple is our favorite but you can add any fruit you like), banana, coconut milk, and flaxseed to your blender. We are actually desperately in need of a new blender so I took my parents Ninja for a spin until we decide on a new one!

2 – Blend all of your ingredients until the mixture is the consistency of a smoothie. You really could eat the mixture like this (we sometimes do). Or you can move on to the next step.

3 – Add your mixture to your pop molds (we love these) and freeze for 4 hours. The mixture will fill about 6 popsicle molds with a little extra left over for hungry kids (or moms) to eat immediately.

Blending up the pops.

The kids love making these! The blender was just a little too loud for Will’s ears!


Finally you can enjoy your healthy popsicle! They are the perfect guilt free treat for a sore throat or hot summer day!

Alice is a huge fan of the final product!


They really are the perfect treat!