All in One Moving & Storage, Inc.

If you are a parent, then you know how challenging it is to get anything done – especially when your kids are younger. If you are a mom-to-be, or if you are currently in the thick of it, hang in there. You’ve got this! It is possible to multitask and get it all done with kids…you just need a little pep in your step and direction along the way. Here are a few of my tips on how you can get it all done:


If you have little ones, I highly recommend taking up babywearing. The term “babywearing” has definitely become more common over the past few years, but the concept of babywearing has been around for a very, VERY long time. Mothers, and more recently fathers, babywear until their kids are old enough to walk on their own, or even longer than that, which is now pretty common, as well. Babywearing is not only safe, but it has so many benefits – health and non-health related. One huge benefit is being able to multitask and get a lot of things done while also actively tending to your child. Like I said, this is a huge benefit! Need to cut the grass? Great! Throw your baby in a carrier on your back and get at it! Need to do the dishes or the laundry? Try a sling! There are many options for babywearing and they all give lots of benefits, while also allowing you to multitask with your children “in tow.”


My best tip of all is to outsource when you can. Are you struggling to clean your home? Hire a house cleaner! Are you planning to move? Hire a professional moving company! People such as All in One Moving & Storage, Inc. They are both residential and commercial mover in NJ that was founded on the principle that people need to fully trust their moving company. They say, “When you call us for moving services, we set you up with a personal relocation consultant to determine your specific needs and ensure stream-lined service throughout your move. Your personal relocation consultant offers options to you while remaining within your budget, alleviating any concerns about hidden prices or fees. Clear explanations of costs are provided before your move, and our PriceLock guarantee protects your estimated total from additional costs. In instances where your rate comes in under the initial estimate, we honor the lower price with our Guaranteed Rate Reduction Pricing. Speak with us about our customized pricing structure for a combination of guaranteed and separate service costs.” They can help you with full packing services, fragile-only packing, storage, moving, and more. So, when you are moving or doing a renovation and need to outsource to save yourself time, All in One Moving is a great option!

All in One Moving & Storage, Inc.

Get The Kids Involved

If your kids are old enough, get them involved! Have them do the dishes, take out the trash, or run the vacuum. If one of your tasks is to clean up toys, that is an easy one for them to partake in. Cooking dinner? Have them help! Getting them involved helps them to create lifelong skills while also helping you get things done faster.

Utilize Your Friends & Family Members

Know that you are not meant to parent alone. Being a parent is really challenging and I think that the phrase, “it takes a village” is so very true. Our “village” has never been more necessary than it is today, I believe. We live in a face-paced, instant information, and pressure-packed world. Today’s children are faced with a myriad of both challenges and opportunities, but the opportunities come with stress, anxiety, and confusion, as well. Navigating parenthood can be a daunting undertaking and the village is not only welcome, but also necessary for both parents and children alike.

Get The Basics Done Each Day

Know what you need to do every single day, in order to not get behind on your chores and tasks. When you get behind, your work starts piling up and it becomes increasingly hard to get anything done. This is why I always recommend to get the basics done each day. Know what you have to do, write it down, and go for it! 

Know That This Phase Is Only Short-Term

If you are in the little baby stage where it’s hard to even shower, do know that this phase is only short-term and you will get yourself and your time back – do not worry! Motherhood (and fatherhood) is definitely not for the faint of heart, but it sure is beautiful. Each stage comes with different challenges – sometimes that will be not getting anything done and other times it will be having too much time on your hands. Needless to say, soak it all in and enjoy every moment. The time is fleeting and even though sometimes it is really hard, one day you will look back on it and wish that you had these hard moments back – because they are also beautiful!